How to Disable Ads on your HTC BlinkFeed

Are the ads on your HTC Blinkfeed are annoying you? Do you want to disable ads on your HTC BlinkFeed? If Yes, then I am going to make you learn about it.

I know that such type of ads are really annoying as it get pop up or distracts while we are doing something really important or something that wants focus. Therefore, there are many users who want to disable ads on their HTC BlinkFeed.
However, there are also users who have bought HTC BlinkFeed but don’t know that how to disable such ads. You don’t need to worry about the procedure of it as I am going to make you learn with the complete process of it.

Disable Ads on HTC BlinkFeed

So, here are the steps which you need to follow in order to disable ads on your HTC BlinkFeed. Now without taking much time of yours I would request you to get towards the below piece of writing.

  • First of all, take your HTC BlinkFeed and swipe left to right.
  • Then tap on three dots from top right corner.
  • After that, from menu tap on Settings.
  • Then you need to scroll down to Customize section and then tap on Manage ads.
  • Now you need to check mark the “Turn OFF Interest-Based ads
  • Congratulations, you are get rid off ads now.